
Scrub Me


1 pc

Health Care Personnel Skin Antiseptic

Skin antisepsis is the basis of a correct and effective infection prevention in the hospital environment. The main purpose of surgical hand & skin antisepsis is to destroy or remove transient micro-organisms and inhibit the growth of resident micro-organisms. Antisepsis reduces the risk of surgical site infections in patients.



Range of Applications :

ScrubMe is a single use sterile sponge impregnated with 4% Chlorhexidine Gluconate antiseptic solution for surgical hand disinfection and skin antisepsis.

ScrubMe has microbicidal activity against allgram negative and gram positive bacteria, viruses and fungi.

The introduction of ScrubMe in the hospital will enable to establish the right conditions for optimal preoperative hygiene of hand and skin.

CDC Guidelines :
Using a sponge brush rather than a brush is an effective means of reducing bacterial counts on hands without causing the skin damage.
Ref. : Guideline for Hand Hygiene in Health-Care
Settings page no-18.


D-125 is a of 3rd generation twin chain quaternary ammonium compound. It is tested and documented by major private hospitals and government authorised establishments. D-125 is US EPA registered & also approved by FDA of many leading countries including India. With claims of 148 of micro-organisms including HIV, HBV, HCV, Polio, H1N1, H5N1 etc.

Microgen’s “D-125” is recommended for use as a non porous hard surface disinfectant in hospitals and other healthcare facilities

  • D-125 is aldehyde free
  • Non – corrosive
  • Non – irritant
  • Non – hazardous
  • Non – carcinogenic
  • Biodegradable & eco – friendly